Here’s a teaser trailer: Crysis 2 threw away much of what I thought was exciting about the original Crysis, trading wide corridor level design for more narrow and scripted experience inspired by Call Of Duty. Crysis 3 then followed in Crysis 2’s nanofootsteps, again taking place in New York, albeit one transformed into a rainforest and covered by a giant nanodome. It still didn’t have the destructible huts and suit energy balancing of the original, however, so still felt inferior to me. Crysis 2 and 3 also still look pretty good today, so a remastered release is even less necessary than for 2006’s Crysis 1. These remasters are nice, I’d say, if you’ve never played any Crysis before and want them on a new console, but of less note to us on PC where the trilogy can already be bought from Steam. I consequently found Crysis Remastered underwhelming when I played it last year. I loved the original Crysis, but I do not love paying a lot more to play a new version of it with graphical bells and whistles that make no difference. It remains the best game in the series - the chocolate in the Crysis Trilogy’s chocolate-vanilla-strawberry ice cream tub - but I’d still pick the original up in a sale rather than buy the remaster.