One player posted their own weird experience with the childhood bug on Reddit (via Kotaku) last month, explaining that their game crashed during the cutscene where main character Aloy is supposed to grow up. As a result, when they loaded back in, they were just running around as her tiny self, with no idea she was supposed to look any different. To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings Update 1.03 has fixed that now, however, along with a few more specific crashes. Here’s the list straight from the patch notes: Other resolved things not to do with crashes include a fix to snow deformation not working properly, and a fix for the Concentration skill which would sometimes just not work at all. If you don’t see your problem listed here, it may be worth taking a look back at the previous patch notes. Horizon’s first update to address start-up issues as well as problems with game saves came out last month, and a second patch fixing some more specific crashes to do with the game’s shader optimisation process followed shortly after. Guerrilla have noted that there are still plenty of bugs they’re aware of, however, and haven’t had a chance to sort yet. These include performance issues with specific GPUs and hardware setups, as well as graphics settings issues causing Anisotropic Filtering and HDR to not work properly. Any more bugs and issues you might have encountered can be reported over on Guerrilla’s website. And if you think these bugs are bad, you should take a look at what Katharine discovered when she was benchmarking the game last month. Somehow, Horizon Zero Dawn became an empty low-poly world/a>, revealing some haunted images of a poor faceless Aloy.