Below we’ll teach you how to get the Fishing Rod, how the actual fishing minigame works in Far Cry 6, and how to use the fish you’ve caught to cook delicious meals and trade for crafting materials.
How to get the Fishing Rod in Far Cry 6
In order to fish in Far Cry 6, you’ll first need a Fishing Rod. The Fishing Rod is a unique tool that is given to you fairly early on as a reward for a main quest on Isla Santuario, the starting island and one of the six territories in Far Cry 6. The quest is called Fuel The Revolution, and it’s where you meet the pirate and fisher, Benito Menguez. He’ll task you with killing the Comandante, Rosario, on the west side of the island. Upon completing the quest you’ll get the Fishing Rod and unlock the ability to start fishing. Have a read of our Far Cry 6 tips and tricks page for useful hints about how to get started!
How to fish in Far Cry 6
You can equip the Fishing Rod at any time from your weapon wheel. You can fish anywhere there is seawater, but it’s also good to keep an eye out on the map for nearby fishing points where you can catch particular fish. At each fishing point, you’ll also find small orange Tackle Boxes which act like a Workbench for your Fishing Rod, allowing you to improve your Rod and switch to different kinds of bait for different types of fish. Just like upgrading weapons, you’ll need Gunpowder in order to upgrade your Fishing Rod. The actual fishing mechanic is quite simple. Here are the steps: You can trade the fish you’ve caught for crafting materials at any Workbench in Far Cry 6. Alternatively, you can keep the fish meat in order to cook food once you’ve unlocked La Cantina, one of the Camp Facilities you can build at any of the major Guerrilla Camps. Hopefully this little how-to has set you on the path of a true Far Cry 6 fisher. For a more pleasant kind of interaction with the animals of Yara, be sure to check out our Far Cry 6 Amigos guide. Alternatively you can help make the land safer by ridding the land of those pesky Far Cry 6 Anti-Aircraft Cannons - and nab some precious Depleted Uranium while you’re at it!