Dungeons and quests are all well and good but I spent over a decade on much of the same. If there’s anything to watch for, I imagine it’s those Outpost Rush matches. Large-scale PvP isn’t revolutionary for MMORPGs, but it’s a potential area for New World to stand out in. I’d also like to get a look at how its combat currently feels. New World is going for a more action-y style of RPG combat, with its free aim for ranged weapons and lots of movement. It seems closer to a Black Desert style than the hotbars of yore. It sure does look nice as well, honestly. Even its interfaces are attractive, which is often a big complaint of mine with MMOs. I like mid-millenium fantasy dressup as much as the next MMO dork, I’m just not sure if New World’s new world is going to pull me in when I can’t muster the desire to get back into my old world of The Elder Scrolls Online—or to even try FFXIV. Perhaps Ed’s right. Maybe I just don’t like MMOs anymore. I’m not quite ready to accept that as the truth though, so I think I’ll be queuing up some livestreams during the closed beta as it kicks off next week. If you’re more keen to try it out firsthand, you can still sign up to take part over on New World’s website. The closed beta runs for two weeks, from next Tuesday, July 20 at 5:30pm BST / 9:30am PDT through August 2 at 11:59pm PDT (8am BST on August 3). New World launches in full on August 31st on Steam for £35/€40/$40.