Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Scomp Link guide contents:

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Scomp Link overview How to repair Scomp Link How to use Scomp Link to slice open chests and doors

So, what’s a Scomp Link, and why is it so important? Early on in the Jedi: Fallen Order story, your little droid friend will have a bit of an unfortunate encounter with a Bog Rat. Don’t worry; he’ll be just fine. But the Bog Rat damaged BD-1’s Scomp Link, which is part of what makes BD units so useful for accessing otherwise inaccessible areas. Until you find a new Scomp Link for BD-1, you’ll be taunted wherever you go by locked doors or chests that cannot be opened without the use of a Scomp Link. You’ll know these particular chests or doors from the rest, because they’ll be coloured red instead of the usual grey/white.

So, where can you repair BD-1’s Scomp Link so you can make your droid buddy whole again? Only on Zeffo - the second main planet of the campaign. Here are the steps:

Once you have the Scomp Link, you’ll be able to order BD-1 to slice all sorts of imperial tech. This includes all those locked doors and red chests that previously were unavailable to you. Many of the chests, you might be slightly disappointed to find, don’t contain anything more important or valuable than ordinary chests - but at least you can get more lightsaber parts now! The real benefit of the Scomp Link is that it allows you to open up all sorts of hidden areas and shortcuts, which will drastically help to cut down on the time you spend navigating the labyrinthine regions on every planet in Jedi: Fallen Order.

And that’s just about everything you need to know regarding the Scomp Link upgrade in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. Be sure to also check out our other guides below!

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