The meta has begun to settle after the first couple of weeks since Overwatch 2’s release, and so we’ve accordingly updated our Overwatch 2 tier list of heroes, which range from the very best, essential picks for any team, to the least effective characters on offer. Further below we’ve provided writeups on each of the best heroes in the game, to help give you a well-rounded impression of the current meta as you delve further into the new era of Overwatch 2.

Overwatch 2 tier list

Overwatch 2 has a large roster of 35 distinct heroes, and while on the whole Blizzard have done an excellent job balancing all of these heroes, there’s always a meta that emerges.

Here is our Overwatch 2 tier list of heroes:

Within each tier, the heroes are ordered alphabetically, rather than by ranking. Also bear in mind that just because a hero is ranked low on our tier list, doesn’t mean they’re never worth playing. It’s a testament to how well Overwatch 2 is balanced that heroes like Pharah, Cassidy, and Bastion can be used so effectively in matches despite being off-meta heroes. If you want to take a closer look at the abilities and playstyles of each hero, check out our up-to-date Overwatch 2 characters list.

Who are the best heroes in Overwatch 2?

The best heroes right now in Overwatch 2 are Genji, Lucio, Moira, Sigma, Sojourn, Sombra, and Zarya. These seven heroes all top our Overwatch 2 tier list for different reasons. Zarya and Sigma are the best Tanks in the game right now, capable of both dealing and taking stupendous amounts of damage for their team. Lucio and Moira are among the most survivable and versatile Support heroes in Overwatch, and Genji, Sojourn, and Sombra each have extremely powerful methods of disrupting and dismantling the enemy team. Below we’ll talk a little more about the the best heroes in Overwatch 2, which we’ve seen fit to rank at the top of our tier list. Just like the tier list, these heroes are in alphabetical order.


Genji may not be able to stand up to much concentrated firepower, but with his extreme mobility and burst damage potential, he is a terrifying force on the battlefield. Again the new absence of stuns comes into play here - heroes like Brigitte and Cassidy used to be able to counter Genji with a stun, but now Genji is far more difficult to pin down. Of course, Dragonblade is the true danger with an enemy Genji, and nowadays it’s so much harder to stop. You are all but forced to kill him to stop the rampage, which can be very difficult when he’s dancing from point to point and cutting down allies left and right.


Lucio is as powerful in Overwatch 2 as he was in the original. He takes a different path to many Support heroes in that rather than focusing on healing, his main party trick is the team-wide movement speed boost offered by his Crossfade. This movement speed boost is so important both for general survivability, and - particularly in Overwatch 2’s more aggressive push-based matches - simply for regrouping and getting back into the fight as soon as possible. Add to this the fact that Lucio is startlingly survivable with his host of healing effects and his Ultimate which provides 750 Overhealth at the press of a button, and he can be a real nuisance even when outnumbered by his foes. He’s the perfect fit alongside a more healing-focused Support hero like Kiriko or Mercy.


DPS Moira is still very much a thing in Overwatch 2. Her lock-on beam attack and self-healing factor makes her startlingly difficult for most heroes to beat in a 1v1 fight - particularly for a Support hero. And if things start to get dangerous, Moira can always use her Fade to escape safely. It’s one of the most powerful panic buttons in Overwatch, and even makes Moira a tricky target for dedicated divers like Winston or Tracer. Add to this the fact that she can heal enemies at a very high rate, particularly when she combines her fire-and-forget Biotic Orb with her primary heal, and she really is the best of both worlds. A powerful healer who can also hold her own against powerful Damage heroes, and even flank and attack backline enemies at a moment’s notice.


In the new one-tank meta, it can be harder to see Sigma’s true potential. He isn’t as obviously tanky and survivable as other heroes like Reinhardt or Zarya, but he’s a fantastic all-round brawler tank who acts as a hard counter to long-range snipers like Widowmaker thanks to his Barrier and Kinetic Grasp. Basically, the more projectile damage is sent his way, the tankier Sigma becomes. Sigma’s DPS potential is also startlingly high - his primary attack is hard to land but deals excellent damage, and his Accretion boulder is extremely useful for its temporary stun and for disrupting the enemy’s attack. With a dedicated healer behind him, it can be very hard indeed to stop a decent Sigma - and if the enemy team has no answer to Sigma, it makes it all the easier for him to punish them with a well-placed Ultimate.


Sojourn has rapidly settled comfortably at the top of the meta since her appearance at the beginning of Overwatch 2. She works in a very similar manner to Soldier: 76, but whereas Soldier’s burst damage potential has travel time, Sojourn’s alt-fire beam is hitscan. A hitscan weapon with the potential to one-shot smaller enemies is an incredibly potent tool at every level of play, particularly when she uses her Ult to auto-charge the beam and cause it to pierce foes. Sojourn’s Disruptor Shot is another powerful damage-dealing tool which is very easy to underestimate. It’s strong enough to shred even Tanks if they stay in its range, so it’s very good for zoning out a chokepoint or other area. So she has a few very powerful methods for dealing damage both 1v1 and as part of a teamfight, and if she gets in trouble, she can turn herself into a very hard-to-hit target with a quick slide and jump to get out of danger.


Sombra was a fantastic hero even before Overwatch 2 arrived and saw fit to grant her a host of buffs such as massively increased damage to hacked targets. Nowadays she’s less about disrupting enemies, and much more about just finishing them off for good. With her substantial base DPS and the insight into enemy positioning afforded by her hacks and her passive, she’s an extremely effective Damage hero in Overwatch 2. There’s a very strong synergy already emerging between Sombra and Kiriko, where Sombra can use her invisibility to go on a dangerous flank, and Kiriko can back her up at a moment’s notice with her teleport and healing. It’s nightmarish to deal with, and it only serves to push Sombra into a more prevalent, respected spot in the meta than she’s commanded previously.


A good Zarya is unbelievably difficult to stop, particularly when backed up by a team who knows to play around her. Zarya’s strongest aspect is her two Bubble abilities, which can be used to shield either herself or an ally for a short time. Any damage these bubbles soak up while active will increase Zarya’s primary weapon damage. This means either enemies target her bubble and turn her into an overwhelmingly powerful Tank capable of wiping out whole teams with her beam; or they are forced to completely ignore all bubbled targets, leaving them free to wreak their havoc as they please. Zarya’s Ultimate ability, Graviton Surge, is another extremely dangerous ability. It needs a bit of communication to be most effective, but it gives her entire team the perfect opportunity to unleash all their most damaging abilities upon the hapless enemies caught in the black hole, very often leading to an easy team wipe. That wraps up our primer on the very best heroes in Overwatch 2. Hopefully you gained a bit of knowledge on the current meta from the above tier list. If you’re a new player and you want to start playing as these top-tier heroes, then check out our guide on how to unlock heroes in Overwatch 2. You’ll also benefit from our tips on how to level up fast in Overwatch 2 as well. Alternatively, if you’re a returning player from the original game, we can bring you up to speed immediately with our list of the biggest Overwatch 2 changes.

Overwatch 2 best heroes tier list - 47Overwatch 2 best heroes tier list - 17Overwatch 2 best heroes tier list - 96Overwatch 2 best heroes tier list - 3Overwatch 2 best heroes tier list - 89Overwatch 2 best heroes tier list - 51Overwatch 2 best heroes tier list - 4Overwatch 2 best heroes tier list - 3