Thankfully, Raji’s been blessed by the gods which grants her some cool demon-busting abilities, like a staff that scatters electricity bolts all over the place and bow which fires exploding orbs. It helps that she was an acrobat before it all pear-shaped too, as she can combine these assets for puzzling, platforming, and combat of top-down variety. The demon-infested ancient Indian world really catches my eye. Raji captures the vibrancy and colour of Hindu mythology rather beautifully, I think. I like the shadow puppet style of cutscenes, and the way the camera zooms out sometimes to let you soak in the sights. Plus, it’s refreshing to see a game steeped in this culture and its history for once. Alice B played Raji’s demo in Steam’s autumn festival, and said its isometric 3D viewpoint was a “little awkward in a punch up, but otherwise it’s a grand old time to run up a wall and smash yer spear down on a demon’s head”. Sadly that demo was taken down when the game launched today. Raji: An Ancient Epic is out now on Steam and the Epic Games Store, with a 10% launch discount making it £17.99/€20.69/$22.49 until Thursday the 22nd.