These days, Remedy are best known for their third-person supernatural Twin Peaks ’em ups. But to celebrate being slightly younger than yours truly, they’re making their very first videogame free forever - and you probably couldn’t get any further from their later work than Death Rally’s Carmageddon-esque vehicular manslaughter. To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings Death Rally Classic is free on Steam. Forever. ??️ — Remedy Entertainment (@remedygames) September 11, 2020 Death Rally is, shockingly, a brutal top-down combat racer from the edgiest depths of the mid-90s. Kit out your motor with guns and bombs and spikey bits, and hit the track - working under the ethos that you can’t be overtaken by a rival if they’re a smoking, bloody crater at the side of the road. While it did get a remake back in 2012, what you’re getting here is the ‘96 original wot, a game that started Remedy down a road that’d eventually lead to the brilliant Control. It’s been free before, too, in a kind of limited freeware form back in 2009. This time around, Remedy are giving away the whole thing, to keep, until the end of time (or, well, Steam). I haven’t played it, admittedly, but I reckon it’s a fascinating, curious dive into the depths of the studio’s history. If you’re up for wrecking a few dozen jeeps, Death Rally is free to pick up over on Steam.