To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings — Rare Ltd. (@RareLtd) October 8, 2020 When I first hit play on this I found the extremely west country vocals a little… jarring. It almost sounds as though a farmer snuck about the ship to perform a concert. The piratey instrumental behind it all is really lovely, though, and there’s a pretty epic concertina solo in place of the famous guitar solo which is an absolute delight as well. Earlier this year, Sea Of Thieves made it so that shanties no longer play at random when you whip out an instrument, instead it allows players to choose from a wheel of tunes to play. It would be brilliant to see a song like this show up on that wheel. A plethora of legal issues would likely prevent that, though, so for now I’ll have to stick to daydreaming about rocking out to a bit of Van Halen on the old hurdy-gurdy. Disclosure: My partner works in community management for Sea Of Thieves. I don’t believe he had a hand in making this song, but I’m sure he likes it, too.